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Issue 4, June 2018

Higher Education and Smart Specialization


Thinking Smart project will come to an end this month. During these 2 years and a half, the partnership has done extensive work on compiling best practices on smart specialisation strategies in Higher Education, on developing guidelines for the entrepreneurial discovery processes in HEI institutions, on providing suggestions and recommendations for HEI and on developing policy briefs for regional authorities. It has also developed a survey for people involved in RIS3 development in HEIs to support them in formulating critical hypotheses on the current and prospective alignment of its institution to the regional/national smart specialisation framework.

In this newsletter, you will find more information on all the outputs and results of the project.

Initiatives and Projects You Should Know
Guidelines and recommendations for HEIs

The main result of the Thinking Smart is a step-by-step set of guidelines and recommendations for HEIs and regional authorities to develop policies focused on:

  • Increasing participation of HEIs in the entrepreneurial discovery process of RIS3;
  • Increasing and facilitating participation of HEIs in the implementation of RIS3;
  • Strengthening cooperation and trust between HEIs and regional authorities.

  • In our website - http://thinkingsmart.utad.pt/content/toolkit - there is a survey for respondents to formulate critical hypotheses on the current and prospective alignment of its own institution to the regional/national smart specialisation framework. Based on the replies, the respondents are redirected to the several documents that might be useful:

  • Guidelines - http://thinkingsmart.utad.pt/content/download-area
  • Action plans - http://thinkingsmart.utad.pt/content/download-area
  • Entrepreneurial discovery process of HEIs - http://thinkingsmart.utad.pt/content/download-area
  • Policy brief - http://thinkingsmart.utad.pt/content/download-area
  • Good practices - http://thinkingsmart.utad.pt/good-practices
  • Relevant links of projects and initiatives - http://thinkingsmart.utad.pt/content/relevant-links

    This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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