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  • Consortium
Name of country: Portugal  |   Type of regions: Less developed  |   Type of HEI: Knowledge transfer Research Teaching  |   Intervenients: Academia    |   Duration: Ongoing

BP description:

The “ Consortium” is a strategic partnership between the public universities of Northern Portugal: Porto, Minho and UTAD. This consortium is considered a “pioneer initiative” and “inspiring for other institutions” for improving organizational communication, efficiency and implementing a regional strategy.

The three universities in Northern Portugal have been working together, in order, to cement efforts and align proposals for developing projects that will combine scientific merit with an effective impact on the region´s economic and social development and subsequently strengthening the probability for success in obtaining national and international funding.


Strategic partnership between the public universities of Northern Portugal

Entrepreneurial Discovery Process:

Working together, in order, to align efforts and construct proposals for developing projects that will combine scientific merit with an effective impact on the region´s economic and social development.

Strategic Alignment:

Enhancing regional innovation through research activities.


Strengthen the links between HEIs.