The section will contain a set of good practices supporting a swift and efficient management of smart specialization strategy development in Higher Education Institutions. Universities that would like to share their good practices are kindly requested to contact us through the email:
In an unprecedented initiative, in Portugal, higher education institutions, intermunicipal communities of Northeast and Chamber of Commerce and business association teamed up to sign a Commitment Letter (“Commitment 2020”: entrepreneurship and territorial cohesion forum) to promote a Development program for Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro region.
more infoThe “ Consortium” is a strategic partnership between the public universities of Northern Portugal: Porto, Minho and UTAD. This consortium is considered a “pioneer initiative” and “inspiring for other institutions” for improving organizational communication, efficiency and implementing a regional strategy.
more infoThe Douro Régia Park –Science and Technology Park - is focused on agro-food, agro-industrial, oenology, viticulture, green economy, environmental enhancement and agro-environmental technologies. This science and technology park is promoted by the Municipality of Vila Real, UTAD and Portuspark (Network of Technology Parks and Incubators). It stands as an entity for integrated economic development, investing in the strong valences of UTAD and the region. It constitutes a new business centrality for the Douro region.
more infoThe CPI is built on a model of Open Collaboration Network, flexible configuration, which brings together public and private agents who share their knowledge and resources on a voluntary basis. Three main agent compose the base of CPI: Research centres, Innovation Antennas, Entrepreneurial Innovation centres. CPI works in close relationships with private companies, public Valencian bodies, Spanish I+D+I body and international agencies to promote global innovation.
more infoSTARTUP project concerns promoting and assisting students and graduates in entrepreneurial technological activities. All the initiatives, projects and companies that belong to STARTUPV become links in an enterprising value chain, which pull one from another. As part of this entrepreneurial ecosystem, the entrepreneurial projects, start-up’s and companies benefit and benefit from the institutional support, the services of the UPV and the network of experts of the UPV Ideas Institute. Likewise, entrepreneurs must bring their experience and time to the ecosystem for the benefit of others.
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