Douro Régia Park –Science and Technology Park

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  • Douro Régia Park –Science and Technology Park
Name of country: Portugal  |   Type of regions: Less developed  |   Type of HEI: Knowledge transfer Research Teaching  |   Intervenients: Industry    |   Duration: Ongoing

BP description:

The Douro Régia Park –Science and Technology Park - is focused on agro-food, agro-industrial, oenology, viticulture, green economy, environmental enhancement and agro-environmental technologies. This science and technology park is promoted by the Municipality of Vila Real, UTAD and Portuspark (Network of Technology Parks and Incubators). It stands as an entity for integrated economic development, investing in the strong valences of UTAD and the region. It constitutes a new business centrality for the Douro region.

The Park has multiple valences to support entrepreneurs and companies, business projects, national and international investors, research promotion, and development and transfer of technology and knowledge.


This science and technology park is promoted by the Municipality of Vila Real, UTAD and Portuspark (Network of Technology Parks and Incubators).

Entrepreneurial Discovery Process:

Another UTAD partner in linking with the upstarts and businesses in the Douro region.

Strategic Alignment:

Promoting enterprise, business development and growth focused on agro-food, agro-industrial, oenology, viticulture, green economy, environmental enhancement and agro-environmental technologies.


The Park has multiple valences to support entrepreneurs and companies, business projects, national and international investors, research promotion, and development and transfer of technology and knowledge.