The Patent Bank is a joint program of the Generalitat Valenciana and the public research bodies of the Region of Valencia, which aims to facilitate the meeting between entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and innovative knowledge generation centres, to facilitate the transfer of the technological results generated by scientists to the productive and service sectors. It aims to value the potential of the Region in the hand of the business and industrial fabric together with our excellent R & D & I network, fostering a rapprochement between companies and universities in order to strengthen their relationships, in which the university is a source of technological solutions for our companies. It aims to be a unique window in which all the research results of universities and public research organizations are found and thus facilitate the supply of patents and technologies pending licensing.
Universitat de Valencia, 5ucv, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Universitat Jaume I, Universidad de Alicante, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Industry: 15 % HEI: 75% Society: 5% Government: 5%
Bottom-up priority setting Still no strategic alignment, although there is a university prior map-setting in their strategic action plan.
Comunitat Valenciana Universities