Higher Education and Smart Specialisation: Partnerships for Regional Transformation
Higher Education and Smart Specialisation: Partnerships for Regional Transformation
5 June
Higher Education and Smart Specialisation: Partnerships for Regional Transformation
Higher Education and Smart Specialisation: Partnerships for Regional Transformation
5 June
EUA responds to EC consultation on Smart Specialisation
On 24 March 2017, EUA issued its response to a European Commission...
University-Industry Interaction Conference
This year the University-Industry Interaction Conference will take place in Dublin (Ireland),...
The 6th HEIW Report deals with the dual responsibilities of universities at local and...
Organised by the European Commission, the seventh edition of the University Business...
Smart Specialisation cooperation in Central Europe – Networking Workshop
The Directorate General for Regional and Urban policy (DG REGIO) of the...
The European Cluster Conference 2016
The European Commission’s Directorate General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and...
The EUA is presenting a webinar on RIS3 that will take stock...
The Thinking Smart consortium was represented by the SGroup European Universities’ Network...
Thematic University-Business Forum: Building Euroregional Ecosystems
This Thematic University-Business Forum focuses on the Euro-regional perspective for trans-border university-business...
Workshop on “Universities as motors of innovation in Central and Eastern Europe”
The Workshop on “Universities as motors of innovation in Central and Eastern...
European Week of Regions and Cities
The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during...
The JRC Annual Conference 2016: Human capital for territorial growth
The JRC Annual Conference 2016 will focus on the importance of human...
The 7th Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR
The 7th Strategy Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea...
EUA RIS3 Workshop. Universities as motors of innovation in Central and Eastern Europe
The Workshop on “Universities as motors of innovation in Central and Eastern...