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Smart Specialisation cooperation in Central Europe – Networking Workshop
01 Dec

Smart Specialisation cooperation in Central Europe – Networking Workshop

The Directorate General for Regional and Urban policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission has launched an initiative in mid-2016 that aims at contributing to the setting up of a type of long-term dialogue for an efficient and enhanced cooperation and exchange of knowledge between actors of the knowledge triangle and policy representatives in Central Europe. The participating Member States are the following: Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany (Saxony, Bavaria),Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

A comparative analysis of the Smart Specialisation Strategies of the MS concerned was carried out by DG REGIO with the support of two independent experts in the field, Mr Slavo Radosevic from the University College London and Mr Jacek Walendowski from Technopolis Group.

A networking workshop which aims to match and connect different stakeholders of the concerned Member States will be held on 8-9 December in Zagreb.

To see detailed agende of the workshop, please click HERE