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INFocus Thematic Workshop: “Connecting RIS3 to the city: a two way bridge”- Call for contributions
01 Aug

INFocus Thematic Workshop: “Connecting RIS3 to the city: a two way bridge”- Call for contributions

The first thematic workshop of INFocus: “Connecting RIS3 to the city: a two way bridge” will be held in Ostrava next 21-22 September 2016. The call for contributions is already opened to any local/regional authority and third parties interested on this topic. INFocus is a pioneering transnational network aimed at boosting the urban/metropolitan agenda on economic development by means of smart specialisation as overarching approach, while at the same time articulating better with RIS3 at regional level.
This thematic workshop is a first attempt to think about effective city to region articulation in relation to smart specialisation.  By bringing together city practitioners, regional and national representatives in charge of RIS3 and experts, it aims to gather ideas, relevant pilots and initiatives to start shaping a facilitating framework for such an interaction and alignment between both scales, the region and the city.

  • The urban dimension of smart specialization
  • Beyond research and innovation? Meaning of the smart specialization in the wider context of territorial development
  • Vertical multi-level governance in strategies for smart specialization
  • Operational frameworks facilitating city/ region articulation with regard to smart specialization and RIS3 implementation
  • Governance frameworks For RIS3 at the implementation phase. What role for the major cities?
  • Matching (sectorial, technological) priorities from both the regional and the city level
  • City-based horizontal approaches to enrich the RIS3 policy mix
  • City’s potential contribution to fuel the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process

For more information, please visit the following website: