Workshop on “Universities as motors of innovation in Central and Eastern Europe”
The Workshop on “Universities as motors of innovation in Central and Eastern Europe” is the second in a series of workshops jointly organised by National Rectors’ Conferences and the European University Association (EUA) on the thematic area of Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies. This workshop aims to bring together experts, case studies and good practice examples of universities’ role in regional policy and in smart specialisation strategies, from different European regions. The workshop will also serve as a platform for sharing experiences, challenges and opportunities related to the strategic role of universities in the implementation of Smart Specialisation across Europe. This workshop is addressed to university leaders (e.g. rectors, vice-rectors, heads of administration), regional and national policy-makers and other stakeholders interested in regional innovation.
The workshop will be hosted by the University of Warsaw between 13-14 October 2016.
Read more information at: http://ris3workshop2016.uw.edu.pl/program/